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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Food & Exercise Diary, Still Slacking on the Veggies (Updated!)

 Oct. 18 Food Diary

 Breakfast - 182 cals
Dannon Yogurt Fruit on the Bottom - 150 cals
Coffee, cream w/ Stevia sugar, 16 oz., 1 cup - 42 cals

 Lunch - 316 cals
Muscles, Seafood

Snacks -  62 cals

Dinner -  374 cals
Campbell's Select Harvest 100% Natural Chicken with Egg Noodle Soup, 1 container (2 cups each) - 180 cals
Nabisco premium whole grain saltine crackers - 90 cals
Dole Packaged Salad - Baby Spinach - 13 cals
Grilled Salmon, small diced pieces - 66 cals
Grape tomatoes - 13 cals
Fat Free Wish Bone Italian Salad Dressing, 2 Tbsp - 15 cals

Water - 8 cups

Total Calories Consumed - 934
(I'm not done eating yet. I realized I didn't eat my 1,200 calories today. After work I'll have a snack which I'll input later.) UPDATE BELOW

Cardio Exercises -  335 Total Calories Burned
 Walked/jogged 45 mins, 2.92 miles, 335 cals burned
Only one fruit and no vegetables today! I need to step my game up with these food groups.


So... on my way home from work, I drive by a Burger King, a McDonalds, Denny's, Wendy's and a Taco Bell. I used to stop at these places regularly after work late at night. What helped me lose weight was cutting out a lot of the fast food that I was accustomed to eating. 

Well, last night I had a Taco Bell run as I got tempted just driving by the place. Now, once in a while this won't kill you but it depends on what you order. I didn't do a good job.

Being that I only had 934 earlier, I thought 'nahhh I'm good, I'll order what I'm craving.' 

I ate the Beefy Five Layer Burrito = 540 cals AND the Cheesy Fiesta Potatoes = 290 cals

Not only are these foods so high in calories, they're high in sodium too! I won't be hitting up Taco Bell for awhile. That was my treat for the week.

Updated total calories consumed - 1,764! Ughh.

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