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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Food & Exercise Log: Not Too Hungry Today, But Eating Too Little Slows Metabolism

Hello! Well today I didn't have the urge to eat much. I think I could have gone through this whole day with just eating fruit but I managed to eat some other things. Check out below why it's important to consume at least 1,200 calories a day.

 Breakfast - 323 cals
Dannon Yogurt Fruit on the Bottom - 150 cals
Dole banana - 89 cals
Coffee, cream w/ Stevia sugar, 16 oz., 2 cups - 84 cals

Lunch - 0 cals

(I made a salad for lunch and didn't eat it, just snacked on my fruit. Saved the salad for dinner.)

Snacks - 459 cals
Seedless Red Grapes - 68 cals
Large orange - 81 cals
Blue Bunny Champ Fudge Cone - 310 cals

(Yes, I ate an ice cream cone after my salad since I didn't eat much earlier.)

Dinner -  168 cals
Salad: some cucumber, tomato, lettuce, orange pepper, Black Bear Yellow American Cheese - 153 cals
w/ Fat Free Italian Dressing, 2 Tbsp - 15 cals

Water - 7 cups

Total Calories Consumed - 950 cals

Cardio Exercises - 601 Total Calories Burned
52 mins on the Treadmill, intervals: walking on an incline mostly/jogging/a little running 3.6 miles - 500
7 mins on the stair stepper - 65
Strength exercises: Triceps Pull-down and chest presses

I didn't have any balanced meals today. And, based on my total calories consumed for today, I'm eating too few calories. I don't eat this little everyday but eating like this could put the body into starvation mode which lowers your metabolism and makes weight loss more difficult. The suggested calorie intake is 1,200 calories per day minimum.

It is also better to eat more to lose weight. And what I mean by more is, instead of the regular three meals a day, try eating 5 smaller meals or 3 meals and 2 snacks throughout the day is good to speed up your metabolism, making weight loss easier.

It's really hard to eat right everyday especially when on the go. My goal tomorrow is to allow myself enough time to exercise and make myself a healthy lunch to eat at work instead of grabbing anything out of the fridge.

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