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Friday, October 26, 2012

The New Diet Craze: Dr. Oz's Raspberry Ketone, "The Miracle Pill to Weight Loss"

The product that Dr. Oz called “The #1 miracle in a bottle to burn your fat” ... 

I saw it in Yahoo's 'Trending Now' section today, heard about it on the Dr. Oz show before and it's all over the web... raspberry ketone!

Raspberry ketone, a dietary supplement containing compounds from raspberries, is being called the "Miracle Fat Burner."

This is becoming the hottest way to a flat belly, so people say.

Is this some sort of magic pill? 

Thanks to Dr. Oz who proclaimed this supplement as a miracle weight-loss pill, health food stores in the U.S. and in Canada reportedly have had a high demand of raspberry ketone from customers seeking a way for weight loss and there's an increase rush of demand.

How Raspberry Ketone Helps You Burn More Fat, Find Out More About It:

Dr. Oz explains, raspberry ketones are the compounds within raspberries that give the fruit its characteristic aroma. More important to dieters, however, is new research showing these compounds can also melt away the pounds.

Via a release from PRWEB and Yahoo! News:
According to Lisa Lynn, a weight-loss expert and personal trainer to numerous celebrities, including Martha Stewart, several of her clients have been supplementing with raspberry ketones and experiencing results in as few as five days. 

Lynn described the compound as "very healthy" with "no side effects" and says this supplement enables the body to "burn fat easier" by stimulating the production of adiponectin, a hormone found in fatty tissue that improves our ability to metabolize fat.

raspberriesThe latest study supporting the use of raspberry ketones for weight loss was carried out last year by Korea's Food & Drug Administration. In the study, raspberry ketone supplements resulted in an elevated secretion of adiponectin and, along with that, increased metabolism of fatty acids and less fat storage.

Raspberry Ketones is the primary aroma compound of red raspberries, and is a safe and healthy supplement with no side effects, according to Dr. Mehmet Oz.

This compound regulates adiponectin, a hormone that causes your body too boost metabolism. In turn, the fat within your cells gets broken up more effectively, helping your body burn fat faster and more efficiently.

In order to get enough ketone to have an effect on the way your body burns its excess fat, you would need to consume 90 pounds of raspberries. But, just 100-200mg of the supplement per day is enough to get your body to start burning fat the way you want it to.

On the Dr Oz show, Lynn also talks about the bigger results will be accomplished the longer you take the raspberry ketone. Although you do lose weight quickly, if you want to get to that desired weight and keep it off, you'll want to use raspberry ketones for the long haul.

Each serving of Raspberry Ketone Ultra contains 500mg of 100% pure raspberry ketones - one of the highest concentrations currently available (most products offer just 100 mg per serving). Plan to take at least 2 per day. A lot more than most say that you need, but that is the amount it took to get results in the actual studies.
Wanna try Raspberry Ketone? Sign up for your free bottle by clicking on the Link below. While supplies last:


Check out some customer reviews on this product, HERE.

My opinion:

I'm not sure if I'll try this or not. Don't get me wrong, I'm very tempted to speed up my weight loss. But I've lost over 30 pounds by just exercising and eating a tad bit better. I don't want to continue to use a product for the long-term when I've been doing just fine without it.

If anyone tries this, let me know about your progress, I'll write up a blog post about you.

Also, many people think just because they pop diet pills, they don't have to exercise. WRONG!! Use supplements in addition to exercising and eating healthy, these diet pills are not a substitute to that!

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