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Friday, October 26, 2012

Challenge #2: Pass on the Sugar This Halloween, Choose Healthy Alternatives

Do you know how many calories your favorite candies pack? Just looking at all the calories in a little chocolate bar could pack up to 200 calories... to me, that's not worth it.

Halloween is already next week and this tends to be the start to when many people pack on the dreaded extra calories. 

How many calories is in that fun-size candy bar? See the list of candies here

Whether you trick-or-treat yourself, or snag some of your children's candy, every little piece you put in your mouth adds up. After Halloween, the extra calories keep on coming with Thanksgiving around the corner, then Christmas and then New Years! 

Missed the first challenge? You can still do it! Challenge #1: Don't Count the Numbers on the Machine
With all of the celebrations and good food around, we tend to forget that the end of the year sometimes isn't too kind to us when stepping on the scale. Keep reading after the jump for challenge #2. 

 Candy corn, is the ever so popular Halloween candy. And they're like Pringles chips, you can't eat just one! I remember going over to someones house and seeing a bowl of candy corn and I kept grabbing handfuls.
  • There are 150 calories in 22 pieces of candy corn
This might not sound like a lot, but can quickly add up. And who is counting how many pieces of candy they're eating?   

Your challenge and mine is to pass on the candy corns, the blow pops, tootsie rolls, etc and choose a healthy alternative (as listed below)

And if you MUST have your favorite sugary candy this year, don't overindulge in it, have one then cut yourself off with the candy. But warning, even a taste could set you off and you may want more or it could satisfy your taste buds, everyone is different.   

Are you up for the challenge? Post your results in the comments section below.

Keep reading below for healthy Halloween alternatives...
I'm sure kids aren't into the healthy treats, but we need to be more conscious about the things we put into our body. 

Not only is processed candy made almost entirely of highly refined (and difficult to digest) sugars like high fructose corn syrup, they usually have artificial colors, fat, sodium and other worthless components.

FOX News, posted Healthy Alternatives to Halloween on their site a couple of days ago. They suggest earth organic lollipops, Xocai chocolates with probiotics and any brand of organic, dark chocolate-covered goji berries,bite-sized granola bars, whole-grain oatmeal raisin cookies, dark-chocolate covered organic strawberries or other fruits.
What are the benefits to eating healthy, besides not having a sugar coma?
Dark chocolate contains many benefits with the compounds called flavanols, which are packed with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
One study showed that dark chocolate - known as the health chocolate - helped lower people’s blood sugar levels and contributed to lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) and raising HDL (good cholesterol). 
Goji berries are rich in antioxidants, and may help ward off cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s, according to research. As with any food, moderation is key, and make sure your dark chocolate of choice is organic as well.

Source via: FOX News.com

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