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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Welcome to La La Fitness!

Hello and welcome to my new health blog! 

I was inspired to start this website once I started realizing how fun exercising and losing weight can be. 

Now I'm not a fitness trainer and I'm not claiming to be a pro at this. My name is Lanette, I'm a 27-year-old female and I just started regularly exercising in April. I know, pretty late in age to start, but better late than never. I already lost 30 pounds. No tricks, gimmicks, magic pill, drastic dieting or surgery... just exercising 4 to 6 days a week and being consistent, eating a bit better, monitoring my calorie intake, drinking more water and being focused. 

Read: My 'About Me' Section

Most people will say weight loss is mostly made up from dieting and the rest is being physically active. But, in order to lose weight you have to really want to. I would say half of the weight loss journey is mental. 

It is so easy to slack off, skip gym days or eat those extra calories away. 

I really wanted to lose weight, I did, and now I have a goal to lose 40 more pounds (I hope) and if I can post interesting things that will help and inspire people then lets get started together!

In "The Journey to Fitness" I will post my weight loss journey, new gym trends, photos, celebrity workout secrets, mini health and fitness challenges, and any other health, fitness or wellness stories, so stay tuned! I have a lot of good stuff in store.

This blog will be intended to help those struggling with weight loss, provide some tips and post my progress. If you have any ideas or a success story and would like to be featured on my blog then by all means contact me at: ooolalablogspot@gmail.com I will also post any of your healthy recipes and food photos, so share!

I hope you enjoy, my next post will come shortly. In the meantime, visit my entertainment blog Ooooooo La La!  and make sure to follow me on Twitter: @LanetteEspy and on Pinterest: LaLa Espy for my updates. You can also subscribe to this blog and get my updates via email.

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