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Monday, March 18, 2013

Beyonce Reveals Her Diet Secrets, Explains How She Lost the Baby Weight

beyonce bikini body
Beyonce reveals her dieting secrets and explains how she got her post baby body, flaunting it on the cover of Shape magazine's April issue. She gained 57 pounds during her pregnancy with Blue Ivy last year.

“I ate a very low-calorie diet. I stayed away from red meat and ate a lot of fish, replaced pasta and rice with quinoa," Beyonce says.

Although Beyonce did diet she did add in the fact that she ate pizza almost every Sunday. Check out pieces of her interview below:

Beyoncé at SHAPE magazine photo shoot

On gaining 57 pounds during her pregnancy: “I didn’t have a lot of time to lose the weight because I scheduled a show three months after I gave birth, which I would never do again!”

On losing the weight: “I ate a very low-calorie diet. I stayed away from red meat and ate a lot of fish, replaced pasta and rice with quinoa.”

On her diet: “I always have breakfast, say, scrambled egg whites, a vegetable smoothie, or whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk. For lunch and dinner, I eat a lot of fish and vegetables. And throughout the day, I try to stay hydrated… I always treat myself to one meal on Sundays when I can have whatever I want. Usually it’s pizza, which is my favorite indulgence.”

Shape‘s editor-in-chief Tara Kraft on Beyonce: “Talking about weight can be a very touchy subject for women, but Beyonce was willing to do it because she wanted to make every woman out there feel like she too could achieve what she did.”

As for how she dropped the 57 pounds she gained while carrying Blue Ivy, the Beyonce says, “Breast-feeding took care of the first 30 pounds. I was amazed at how the weight just fell off me.”

Beyonce said she had to work very hard to lose the last 25 pounds.

“I’m not a person who is naturally very thin. I am a person who has to work at keeping my body in shape," she says.

Ugh, same here! It does take hard work. And I'm glad Beyonce mentioned in the interview that she treats herself to one "cheat" meal a week. I feel like it's important to still eat your favorite "bad" foods, whether it be pizza, a burger or ice cream.

We shouldn't just do away with these foods all together but instead treat ourselves once in awhile and eat them in moderation. Be mindful of what foods you put in your mouth and how often you eat the fatty foods. But yes, it is still possible to taste them every once in awhile and still lose weight.


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