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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New Spa Jeans That Claim to Moisturize and Reduce Cellulite

A new line of jeans from Wrangler claim they will moisturize your skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

On January 28, Wrangler will release a special line called "Spa Denim" with built-in moisturizing properties and one pair with an anti-cellulite treatment.

But are these "cure-all" jeans are any different from other quick-results products? I've tried plenty of cellulite creams and yet I still have some cellulite on my thighs. So how would these jeans be any different?

According to an article from Yahoo! Shine, the brand will offer three varying styles in differing waist cuts of low, medium and regular.
  • The Aloe Vera style claims to soothe sensitive skin, with a cooling sensation.
  • The Olive Extract style is a straightforward moisturizing treatment.
  • The Smooth Legs style claims to reduce the appearance of cellulite. - "Infused with algae extracts, retinol and caffeine, the style was clinically tested by the Institut Adriant in France, where after four weeks of wearing the jeans for eight hours a day, five days a week over six weeks, 69 percent of the panel claimed that the appearance of their thighs had improved," according to an article in the UK's Telegraph.
So, in order for this to even possible work, one has to wear these jeans for eight hours a day, five days a week for a month and a half!

That is basically wearing jeans everyday... yeah, great way for us to buy a bunch of pairs of their jeans! Who is going to wear the same pair of jeans everyday? I feel like this is just set up for them to make money because women will buy these jeans - multiple pairs - enough for six weeks.

According to Wrangler, the treatment lasts up to 67 to 95 wears, but that means you can't wash the jeans. Dirty jeans might not work, though you can purchase refill sprays to refresh the treatment on the inside of the jeans ... more money to spend!

Is it possible for an anti-cellulite product to work through jeans? Read more here at Yahoo! Shine for more information and to see what some experts have to say.

Sorry, but I can't believe the hype.

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